Esyllt and Sabrina part 12


The confession made, and absolution given, the recluse looked out of his window, and directly knew him. “Blessed be the most high God,” said he, “now I do know thee. I have here a few garments: clothe thyself, and go to the palace. I trust that they also will recognize thee.” The emperor did as the confessor directed. The porter opened the gate, and made a low obeisance to him. “Dost thou know me?” said he. “Very well, my lord!” replied the menial; “but I marvel that I did not observe you go out.” Entering the hall of his mansion, Jovinian was received by all with a profound reverence.

Everybody bends

The strange emperor was at that time in another apartment with the queen; and a certain knight going to him, said, “My lord, there is one in the hall to whom everybody bends; he so much resembles you, that we know not which is the emperor.” Hearing this, the usurper said to the empress, “Go and see if you know him.” She went, and returned greatly surprised at what she saw. “Oh, my lord,” said she, “I declare to you that I know not whom to trust.” “Then,” returned he, “I will go and determine you.” And taking her hand he led her into the hall and placed her on the throne beside him. Addressing the assembly, he said, “By the oaths you have taken, declare which of us is your emperor.”The empress answered: “It is incumbent on me to speak first; but heaven is my witness, that I am unable to determine which is he.” And so said all. Then the feigned emperor spoke thus: “My friends, hearken! That man is your king and your lord. He exalted himself to the disparagement of his Maker; and God, therefore, scourged and hid him from your knowledge. But his repentance removes the rod; he has now made ample satisfaction, and again let your obedience wait upon him. Commend yourselves to the protection of heaven.” So saying, he disappeared. The emperor gave thanks to God, and surrendering to Him all his soul, lived happily and finished his days in peace.

Read More about Esyllt and Sabrina part 10