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Ibn Battuta part 20

On this journey, our stay at Medina lasted four days. We used to spend every night in the illustrious mosque, where the people, after forming circles in the courtyard and, lighting large numbers of...

Ibn Battuta part 19

From Tabuk the caravan travels with great speed night and day, for fear of this desert. Halfway through is the valley of al-Ukhaydir, which might well be the valley of Hell (may God preserve...

Ibn Battuta part 18

Funeral customsThe Damascenes observe an admirable order in funeral processions. They walk in front of the bier while reciters intone the Koran in beautiful and affecting voices, and pray over it in the Cathedral...

Ibn Battuta part 17

The story of a slave who broke a valuable dishBesides these there are endowments for other charitable purposes. One day as I went along a lane in Damascus I saw a small slave who...

Ibn Battuta part 16

The footprints from which it derives its name are certain footprints impressed upon a rock there, which are said to be the mark of Moses’ foot. In this mosque there is a small chamber...

Ibn Battuta part 15

A controversial theologianOne of the principal Hanbalite doctors at Damascus was Taqi ad-Din Ibn Taymiya, a man of great ability and wide learning, but with some kink in his brain. The people of Damascus...

Ibn Battuta part 14

The eastern door, called the Jayrun door, is the largest of the doors of the mosque. It also has a large passage, leading out to a large and extensive colonnade which is entered through...

Ibn Battuta part 13

In the same place there is another church which the Christians venerate and to which they come on pilgrimage. This is the church of which they are falsely persuaded to believe that it contains...

Ibn Battuta part 12

Jerusalem and its holy sitesWe then reached Jerusalem (may God ennoble her !), third in excellence after the two holy shrines of Mecca and Medina and the place whence the Prophet was caught up...

Ibn Battuta part 11

At nightfall they smooth down the sand so that no track is left on it, then in the morning the governor comes and looks at the sand. If he finds any track on it...

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