The Pious Lady and the Gray Friar part 2
After she had earnestly begged him to choose for her daughter such a husband as he knew a woman that loved God and her...
The Pious Lady and the Gray Friar part 1
Marguerite de Navarre (1492-1549)
Marguerite d`Angouleme, daughter of the Due d`Angouleme and sister of Francois I, was the second wife of the King of Navarre,...
Belphagor part 9
This, along with a few other secret re-medies which I shall apply, will surely compel the spirit to depart.” These preparations were accordingly made...
Belphagor part 8
To this the king made answer, that be the case what it might, he would certainly hang him if he did not succeed. It...
Belphagor part 7
“Roderigo, it is Matteo that is come. So do as we agreed upon, and get out.” Roderigo replied: “It is all well; but you...
Belphagor part 6
In this dilemma there was nothing left for them but to proceed in the pursuit, which they continued for two days, and then returned,...
Belphagor part 5
Just as his case became extremely delicate, there arrived sudden tidings both from East and West that one of his wife`s brothers had dissipated...
Belphagor part 4
For what with the influence of her father, her brothers, her friends, and relatives, the duty of the matrimonial yoke, and the love he...
Belphagor part 3
Poor Belphagor having signed these conditions and received the money, forthwith came into the world, and having set up his equipage, with a numerous...
Belphagor part 2
Now, as the latter is the fault of a careless, and the former of an unjust judge, we, wishing to avoid the trouble and...