Ibn Battuta part 28
After staying some days as his guest I set out for the town of San’a’, which was the former capital, a populous town built...
Ibn Battuta part 27
The people of this town hold the famous subut an-nakhl in this wise. They go out to the palmgroves every Saturday during the...
Ibn Battuta part 26
These terrors continued until we emerged at a roadstead called Ra’s Dawa’ir between Aydhab and Sawakin. We landed here and found on the shore...
Ibn Battuta part 25
After returning to Baghdad, Ibn Battuta makes his second pilgrimage to Mecca
Ibn Battuta returns to Mecca with the Baghdad pilgrim’s caravan
When we arrived at...
Ibn Battuta part 24
Ibn Battutta journeys to Tabriz
I left Baghdad with the mahalla of Sultan Abu Sa’id, on purpose to see the way in which the king’s...
Ibn Battuta part 23
Ibn Battuta leaves Basra by boat
At Basra I embarked in a sumbuq, that is a small boat, for Ubulla, which lies ten miles distant....
Ibn Battuta part 22
After the night prayer they began to recite their litany. A number of loads of wood had been brought in and kindled into a...
Ibn Battuta part 21
Another good habit of theirs is this. The orphan children sit in the bazaar, each with two baskets, one large and one small. When...
Ibn Battuta part 20
On this journey, our stay at Medina lasted four days. We used to spend every night in the illustrious mosque, where the people, after...
Ibn Battuta part 19
From Tabuk the caravan travels with great speed night and day, for fear of this desert. Halfway through is the valley of al-Ukhaydir, which...