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Brusa’s Natural Beauty and Cultural Gems


Mount Olympus (Keshish Dagh)

Mount Olympus, known as Keshish Dagh (Mount Monk) in Turkish, stands at 7600 feet above sea level. For a successful ascent, a good guide and a few soldiers, arranged through the Consul, are essential. The journey takes about six hours, with the last part on foot due to steep terrain. The descent typically takes four hours. Travelers need to bring provisions from Brusa, as there are no amenities along the way. Costs include horse fare (50 piastres), guide fee (20 piastres), and soldiers’ fees (20 piastres each). The summit provides a splendid panoramic view on clear days, encompassing the Marmora and Bosporus, Mount Ida, the plains of Troy, Mysia, Phrygia, and Pergamo and Kutahieh.

Return trains to Mudania depart from Brusa around 7:30 A.M. Exploring Brusa’s Landmarks and Industries, connecting to the steamer to Constantinople, where travelers disembark at Galata pier.

Exploring Brusa’s Landmarks and Industries


The Mosque of Murad I.

Located on Chekirieh Hill just outside Brusa, near the Medicinal Hot Springs and Baths, the Mosque of Murad I is a prominent structure. Opposite stands the Mausoleum of Murad I, also known as Ghazl Hudavendighiar (‘Conquering Sovereign’). The mausoleum displays Murad’s blood-stained breastplate Mausoleums of Brusa, turbans, and other relics. A bronze bowl near the tomb holds blessed corn for distribution to the local people.

The ablutionary fountain near Murad’s tomb features mineral water, with some nearby springs being hot. The terrace offers a splendid view of the mountains and Ulfer Chaee valley, where visitors can enjoy chairs and coffee from a nearby coffee-house.

Silk Factories

Brusa’s Silk Factories are a worthwhile visit, with courteous proprietors willing to guide visitors. The Manufacture Brotte, located behind the Hotel d’Anatolie, houses the largest and

Mausoleums of Brusa


History and Artistry

The Mausoleum of Orkhan

Situated to the right upon entering the esplanade, the Mausoleum of Orkhan houses the tomb of his elder brother, Allah-ed-Din, along with those of several princes and princesses. Entrance fee: 5 piastres per party.

Muradieh Quarter

Adjacent to the Mosque of Murad II, the Muradieh quarter hosts various mausoleums dedicated to sultans and princes. Artists and enthusiasts should explore this area. The most intriguing is the Mausoleum of Murad II, unique as a sultan’s final resting place. Murad II desired simplicity Brusa’s Natural Beauty and Cultural Gems, evident in the plain grass-planted mound edged with marble. The dome, intentionally pierced, allows rain and snow to fall on it, fulfilling Murad II’s wish for exposure to the weather like that of a common man. Two turbans worn by Murad II are displayed, including one for Fridays and ano

Windmills from Alacati to Datca



If you are in serious pursuit of windmills, you will surely be a visitor of Alacati, renowned for its strong gusts. Most of Alacati` stone-bodied mills, also symbols of fertility in the area, now serve as restaurants. The white silhouettes of the electricity-producing modern mill-variety turbines set a pleasant backdrop for surfers along the Alacati coastline. Tens of them stand tall all day long, as if silently working and waiting for the wind. When the wind stops in Alacati, life as well as the mills seems to come to a halt. Travelling down along the Aegean coast, your next stop for windmills should be Datca. 19 mills are currently being restored, remaining true to their original forms, through the municipality initiative. When the project is completed, handcrafts made by villagers and world-famous Datca almonds will be sold at the entrance to the mills, rejuvenating the area’s tourism

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