Esyllt and Sabrina part 3


The warlike bearing of the sturdy Britons tended little to reassure her, and she came slowly and fearfully to the tent where the princes were inspecting the spoil; but when the eyes ofLocrinus lighted on her, albeit her looks were bent on the ground, and her long hair almost hid her features, love suddenly flooded his soul, and he stood like one smitten by the powerful wand of a magician; but when at length he gathered power to speak, and bade her be of good cheer, the sound of his noble voice and his kind words, made the damsel lift her eyes with a touch of hope; and when she beheld the broad brow of the king, and all his presence radiant with youth and love, the color came into her cheeks and she stood revealed in all her beauty.

Live forever

Then King Locrinus knew what is the bliss of the gods who live forever, but because he would not have the princess stand as a captive and unattended in a place so public, he caused her to be conducted in all honor to his own tent, and spoke to his brother in this wise:“Brother, take the goodly ships, the armor, and the spoil; haply thou wilt find thy palace but an empty barn, and all thy costly things wasted by the riot of the slain sea-robber; but leave to me the fair Princess Esyllt, for my soul cleaveth to her, that I may make her my wife; she is of noble parentage and deserveth well to be a queen.”“Alas! my brother,” replied Albanactus, “what frenzy hath seized thy mind? The captive is passing fair, and doubtless of noble lineage, but art not thou affianced to the Lady Guendolen, the only child of Corineus, our father`s trusty comrade? How, think you, will the haughty chieftain brook it, if he hears that his daughter is set at naught for a captive?”The face of Locrinus darkened, and he answered from a heavy heart:“I never loved the proud Guendolen; who could love her? but because Corineus wished it, and because I thought it well to have him for a friend rather than a foe, I consented to take her. But, brother, then I had seen no damsel whom I desired to call my wife; now the gods hold out to me a jpy which is like their own; I will grasp it if I die for it.” Seeing him so set upon the matter, Albanactus said no more, but gathered his spoil together, and having made costly presents to his brother for his timely help, marched homewards where affairs were eagerly calling for him to restore law and order to his lands.

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