Ibn Battuta part 74


Understanding the situation, the Zoe, and wanting a husband that he knew well the things or better to marry in order to give birth to children, she recall Constantine Monomachos from exile. (He had been exiled to the island of Mytilini [ie. Lesbos] by the previous emperor Michael, because he had been a threat to his emperorship]. She married him, and she proclaimed him emperor.

Constantine IX Monomachos [1042-1055] was emperor for thirteen years. He was good, he loved and serviced all the people as well in return he was loved and flattered by all. He liked theatres, mimics and jokers and many of them that the were poor they became rich. He constructed the great monastery of Mangana in the name of the great martyr George. During the first year of his emperorship died the Patriarch Constantine because was ill for long time (he had problem with his feet) and he could not make wars and expeditions and many of his brave generals revolted against him but always was victorious.

During his emperorship died empress Zoe and was buried with great royal honours in the church of Antiphonetes, constructed by her. The same, and this emperor made a lot of gifts and gave yearly land rents to the God’ s churches and the holy monasteries to such a degree that till today they mention. He died and buried in Mangana and he left Theodora as the only empress.

Theodora [1055-1056] that born in purple was empress for one year and seven months and by thin emperor in wisdom she did not married but by the eunuchs she governed and in peace the time has been passed. Because she was going to die, she chose a senator Michael the Gerontas (The Old) and when she surrendered her trusted people to him, she proclaimed him emperor. She died and buried in a monastery that was build by herself named Ecoproastia.

Michel VI Gerontas

Michel VI Gerontas [or Stratiokos] [1056-1057] was emperor for one year. He had only the name and the title of the emperorship because the state was governed not as he wished but as the trusted people of Theodora, since he had signed and gave oath to govern these people, a thing that he kept. Isaac Komnenos was one of the first in bravery and wisdom and one of the best in warlike deeds. He appeared in the emperor together with other generals, where and was received very well by the emperor himself since he was honoured by him but from the people that they governed he was ignored and offended.

Read More about Ibn Battuta part 81