Ibn Battuta part 75


For this reason he was very upset, bur thought he had big heart he did not think a lot about it. He gathered the generals and he announced to them his opinion and all of them gave him their support for his plans. When all of them left the Palace, they left Constantinople. Immediately he gathered the people of the East and since he was pronounced by them emperor, together with the people he took over the town of Nikaia.

As soon as emperor Michael heard this, he wanted without any obstacles and wars to surrender to Komnenos his emperorship, but the people that they governed did not wished to surrender without bloods they gathered a lot of people and they gave command to a certain man from them (Theodoros, who was president and domesticus) and they send him away.

A civil war was made and a lot of Christian blood has been spelled by Christians, Alas, many blood was spelled and a victory was in the side of Komnenos. Then the people round the emperor decided to agree and they send emissaries to ask for forgiveness, the first of the senators and Michael became monk and Isaac cheered by all arrived in Constantinople and became emperor.

Isaac Komnenos

Isaac [I] Komnenos [1057-1059] was emperor for two years and two months. He had wife Katherine [Aikaterina]. He was wise and active in the royal matters. He was convinced easily but he wanted to know the people before he decide to hear them and he did not tolerate kolakeies [?] and titles.

For that reason he was disliked by the senators and appeared to them egoist and most was disliked by Patriarch Michael (was named Kiroularios, was a former synkellos, and for that Psellos has made for him a panegyric and an accusation), who wanted to order his will to the emperor. Having the guts, instead to follow the emperor’s thought he went against the older Pope of Rome and ignored the royal will.

But the emperor did not tolerate to been driven by anybody. He afraid that may be and the other (the Pope of Rome) made him the same, in the second year of his emperorship he expel him from the church and made Patriarch the eunuch Constantine Lichoudis who was president of the Senate and protovestiar, a man active and wise who was Patriarch for four and a half years. The expelled Michael died soon afterwards and was buried in the monastery that he founded and it was called of the patrician or more precise of synkellos Theodosios.

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