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Belphagor part 3

Poor Belphagor having signed these conditions and received the money, forthwith came into the world, and having set up his equipage, with a numerous train of servants, he made a very splendid entrance into...

Belphagor part 2

Now, as the latter is the fault of a careless, and the former of an unjust judge, we, wishing to avoid the trouble and the blame that might attach to both, yet hardly seeing...

Belphagor part 1

Niccolo Macchiavelli (1464-1527)Macchiavelli is best known to the world as author of a famous book on statecraft, entitled The Prince, and of a History of Florence. Like many of the remarkable men of his...

How Lazaro Served a Bulero part 4

While this was proceeding, my sainted master was on his knees in the pulpit, his hands and eyes turned towards heaven, apparently filled with the divine essence, and utterly unconscious of the noises and...

How Lazaro Served a Bulero part 3

Many respectable people, to prevent the scandal of the thing pro-ceeding further, wished to turn the Alguazil out of the church, but the reverend preacher would by no means permit such violence; and thus...

How Lazaro Served a Bulero part 2

He had preached two or three days, at a place near Toledo, and had not neglected his usual offerings; but he found his indulgences go off but slowly, with very little appearance of improvement,...

How Lazaro Served a Bulero part 1

Diego Hurtado De Mendoza (1503-1574)Born of a noble family at Granada, Mendoza was primarily a man of action. We are told that he joined the army of Charles V in Italy where, “like Scipio,...

Esyllt and Sabrina part 12

The confession made, and absolution given, the recluse looked out of his window, and directly knew him. “Blessed be the most high God,” said he, “now I do know thee. I have here a...

Esyllt and Sabrina part 11

That obscene wretch cannot be our sovereign. You alone are he, whom we have known from childhood; and we in treat that this fellow may be severely punished as a warning to others how...

Esyllt and Sabrina part 10

Thus afflicted, he gave himself up to the wretchedness of his untoward condition. In the agony of his heart, he said: “What shall I do? Oh! what will be my destiny! I am loaded...

Assos and Troy


Majesty great gate