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Tag: Koptos river

Koptos river – I then cut him in two parts, and put sand between the parts, that he should not appear again.

“Na.nefer.ka.ptah then went to the place where he found the box.

I He uncovered a box of iron, and opened it; he found then a box of born and opened that; then he found a box of sycamore wood. And opened that; again, he found a box of ivory and ebony, and opened that; yet, he found a box of silver, and opened that; and then he found ‘ a box of gold; he opened that, and found the book in it. He took the book from the golden box, and read a page of spells from it.

He enchanted the heaven and the earth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea; he knew what the birds of the sky, the fish of the deep, and the beasts of the hills all said. He read another page of the spells, and saw I the sun shining in the sky, with all the gods, the full moon, and the stars I in their shapes; he saw the fishes of the deep, for a divine power was I present that brought them up from the water. He then read the spell I upon the workers that he had made, and taken from the haven and I said to them, ‘Work for me, back to the place from which I came.’

Koptos river – And they toiled night and day, and so he came back to the place where I sat by the river of Koptos; I had not drums nor eaten anything, and I had done nothing on earth, but sat like one who is gone to the grave.

See this book

“I then told Na.nefer.ka.ptah that I wished to see this book, for E which we had taken so much trouble. He gave the book into my hands, and when I read a page of the spells in it, I also enchanted heaven and Kearth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea. I also knew what the birds of the sky, the fishes of the deep, and the beasts of the hills all said.

Koptos river

I then cut him in two parts, and put sand between the parts, that he should not appear again.“Na.nefer.ka.ptah then went to the place...

Balkan Tours 2019


Tour guide Ensar


Ibn Battuta part 68